“It is more difficult to spend a day well than write a book.” Tadeusz Rozewicz

The above is a quote taken from a poem written by the Polish poet Tadeusz Rozewicz.  I found the sentence in John O-‘Donohue’s book ‘Anam cara’.

The above sentence links well with the counter narrative of another book I am reading entitled “Consumer Detox” by Mark Powley. Powley’s book turns so many taken-for-granted ways of living our privileged lives upside down and shakes them all about. I am finding it a liberating, albeit, challenging read. As I continue to try to live the principles of pilgrimage daily, slowly myself down to notice my breathing, my eating, attending more carefully to relationships, and all the while thinking about my next book – working title: “Living a slower life – Living the principles of the Camino Frances” which is still very much in draft form. Mark Powley’s writing is a timely and welcome find indeed.


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